What I Offer

There are numerous reasons to choose Rooted Arrow Counseling. If you are looking for answers from a local, personal practice, Rooted Arrow may be a good fit for you.

Individual Therapy

Maybe you are struggling with feeling helpless or hopeless. Maybe you don’t feel quite like yourself. Maybe you’re adjusting to a life transition or experiencing a major stressor. Or, maybe you are feeling down or sad, or struggling with feeling anxious and you don’t understand why. You don’t have to continue to feel this way. You can feel better and live a more enjoyable and healthy life.

Child Therapy

Child therapy is a type of therapy that is tailored to children’s specific needs. Child therapy often involves the use of play therapy techniques to help build a therapeutic relationship and get at the root of the problems. Through therapy, children are able to learn about and express their emotions, learn new skills, and learn creative strategies to solve problems.

Teen Therapy

The teen years are often hard and chaotic, and teens today are faced with many pressures, from social aspects and academics to work, sports, and future planning. Teen/adolescent therapy allows teens to explore and work through difficult feelings, behaviors, and situations without judgment and with support. It is a safe environment for teens to process issues that are important to them and that are affecting them.

Motherhood Therapy

Being a mom is hard. Navigating the ups and downs of mothering can be difficult. As moms, we often put ourselves down or think we aren’t enough. From navigating different stages of our children, to routines, to discipline, to connection, to milestones, to balancing work and home life, to managing the household, moms carry a heavy load and can often use support. Moms may frequently feel stressed or overwhelmed, guilty about how they responded, or emotionally exhausted. I hear you. I see you. It’s okay to reach out for help.

Perinatal Mental Health Therapy

Perinatal mental health therapy is therapy for expecting moms and new moms during pregnancy and postpartum. The term “perinatal” includes any time during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum. Pregnancy brings about many changes in your body, relationships, and your personal identity. Many feel anxious during this time. Some women struggle with breastfeeding. Some have had a difficult birthing experience.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This is a psychotherapy approach that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. With the help of EMDR, you will be able to understand how your past experiences are contributing to today’s problems. This treatment can be used to heal from various kinds of trauma (traumatic birth experiences, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, challenging past relationships with your own caregivers, depression, and more).

Begin Your Journey

If you’d like to make an appointment or get more information, your journey can begin now. Contact me for more information.